We lease & Manage Wildlife Hunting rights

In Cental illinois

Have you seen deer on your land? We are always looking for new places to hunt deer and turkeys. No place is too big or small as long as deer use it. Here at Living Large Outfitters we believe some of the most unpredictable places can be some of the best places to hunt. Maybe your land is 98% crop fields and just a fence line of trees going across it…. Chances are deer walk that fence row and they can be hunted there.

Give us a call and Let us tell you how we can Serve You…….217-370-0207

We do NOT have a set dollar per acre we pay. We believe that every piece of land has a unique value. Sometimes we may be able to look at the maps and have an estimate in mind and other times we may need to put boots on the ground and take a closer look at the land in question. Either way there is most likely some way we can serve you if your land is within reach of our operation.

We are also interested in hunting your doe population. We work with a local organization to feed the hungry with the surplus of deer meat we harvest. The surplus of meat is professionally butchered and packaged for local food banks.

Here at Living Large Outfitters  – “We Pay You, To Serve You

We do NOT believe it is a good practice to only come in and shoot the big bucks. At Living Large we manage the whole deer heard for good overall health and in a way that minimizes crop damage year after year. It is way to often that we see people lease a piece ground to only go in and shoot 2 bucks a year and leave the rest of the heard to wreck havoc on the crops causing thousands of dollars in damage every year until the heard gets so overpopulated half of the deer die miserable deaths from disease…. At Living Large Outfitters we were raised to be conservationist, outdoorsman, and sportsman.

We believe keeping a balance heard of 1 doe to 1 buck is essential to prevent disease in the deer herd. We want to manage the heard for longevity to keep the long lived tradition of hunting alive for many generations to come. We find that building a relationship with the land owner as well as the farmer if they are not one in the same can be important to understand the overall goals in mind to promote a long lasting business relationship that will serve all parties involved in a positive manner.

Here at Living Large Outfitters We Aim to Please.